Anyone know what kind of bird this is? I have heard it might be a falcon or a hawk (is there a difference?!) I walked right by it one early morning while "training for my 13.1 mile walk in a few weeks. The bird completely ignored me as I fumbled around to get my phone out and a picture snapped. I was hoping to see the wings spread but it was just quietly enjoying the sun rising on his side. These long, early morning walks are giving me loads of journal page material.
So it has been a little hot in Denver this summer...and even though we must have watered these sad ladies every other day, never ever missing our schedule, this is the end result. This sad image of my purple thumb is just calling out for a journal page. Gesso background, painted with Payne's Grey watercolor, then the image drawn on top. I am planning on using a great deal of artistic license to "enhance" the straggly stalks. Check back, I'll show the page in a few days when I have time to stop watering and get to the studio! Bring on the snow. It has been a few weeks of various adventures; the latest was in Austin last week. I was totally surprised to be smitten by that city! I had heard about the Austin "weird" but I found warm, happy, welcoming vibes everywhere (is that weird?!!) Above is an example of a journal page that I had prepared while at home in my studio. I used simple watercolors to paint a few boxes on both facing pages. They seemed to be perfect for the quick pen sketches and text I wrote on-site...and I found the feather in front of the Austin Motel (and had to sketch that crazy neon sign on a different page). My final hour there was spent at the "Sweetish Bakery" (no typo just cute name) with a perfect espresso (cake sketch on bottom left). It was a really interesting few days - maybe a great destination for a future adventure journal trip!
AuthorJudith Cassel-Mamet Archives
May 2020